I have not one single iota of Homophobia , i am afraid of The Police in certain situations at least; Like in the following situations...
1) When i am Being Black In A Black Neighborhood at night
2) When i am being Black ,while i drive home from work and may be the only car on the road...in A small town.
3) When i am being Black when a white lady screams Help in the distance and that 6'4" light-skinned brother with 15 tat's ,suddenly shrinks to a thick, short , dark-skinned w/no Tattoo's about 5'9" brother...all of a sudden
4) when i am being Black as the Hot Lamp comes on at Krispie-Kreme and cops are trying to beat me to the front of the line
5) When i am being black ...while i take my walks over here in the West End and a Cop is following me the entire time trying to coerce me to run so he can shot me in the back and sprinkle crack on me along with a gun
6) when i am being Black in a store and the door alarm goes off as i walk in and the cops are behind me ..and one of the cops is a rookie ,who hasn't shot his first Kneegrow yet
All of those reasons are valid and pretty scary and even though Racial-Profiling isn't a laughing matter...it's laughable by comparison to my new fear. last night i was coming home with my son Zairre and we were about to catch the train ...the machine was being a bitch and kept rejecting my card..so the Marta Cop came through the security gate and walked over real tough and in his freshly cleaned and pressed uniform. He came over and cleared his throat.........and in his most FEMININE voice ,he said, May i Help you Sir...he sounded as if he was singing it..i turned around and looked at my son ,whom at 9 yrs old ....he immediately laughed! I was now nervous because it's just me ,him , and my son and this Gay Policeman had a gun. I was afraid like a black girl getting pulled over late at night in the city and a cop walks up with his dick out...This wasn't cool! Now i had tried this card about 15 times with no success and i am frustrated , the gay cop says to me ...." Just reeelaaax and try it one more time"...so ,now he is standing like right beside me and i could have sworn he was grinding on my leg ,but of course that was my imagination and an enactment of my fear of being molested by the armed Homosexual policeman...so once he said relax and try it once more in his most melodic tone ..i swiped the card and wow...this shit worked! So now i have to turn to his smiling face and say thank you...instead i said " Wow , you must be a Lucky Charm" i believe that i inadvertently made a gay joke...Okay i am not Homophobic but ,i am definitely PoPoHomoPhobic..my latest Fear of The Cops..only in My City ...Gay Cop...you are now a permanent guest in my KrackieTales...and There's nothing wrong with that...HA!