She is usually upset about something that I've done ..It doesn't matter how long ago it may have happened. She is only concerned that It happened . If I have written a poem for another woman ,Whether It Be 2 years Before I knew Her Or Not, She requires that I write a poem for her...On The spot. No time to think about it...No motivation for Content...Just write..." because I am angry that you wrote this poem for your Bitch in write one for me in 2014",She would usually say That.
I actually understand her point of view...But I'm very annoyed by her Logic. So I'm torn between writing and not writing most of the time.

1) Get Up Before Him and Read His Phone
2) Read His Blog ..even Though It's old ...I can find somethings to make me mad
3) accuse him of some shit ...To keep him on his toes
4) Criticize Him Once a show him that I Love him Just as he
5) Give Him some Sex...To Make him forget the day and bask in The night
** Lol...I love my here's a Poem for You
Here's My Baby...
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